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“Hi! I am Ashleigh, an 18 year old with a love for my fellow youth and a passion to see them grow. I migrated from Jamaica in 2019 and joined the LEARN program the same year which has helped to give me a smooth transition into the country. I am still a student, therefore, I know the true struggle of being a student in these times. I also value education and working with LEARN has allowed me to reach and aid other students who have similar experiences. I know we are all destined for greatness on this Earth and I desire to help others acknowledge this truth.”

Book Your mentor Ashleigh

Monday:  5:00pm-5:30pm
Thursday: 4:30pm-5:30pm

Email: waite.ashleigh@yahoo.com

Mathematics, History, Science and French at any grade level in elementary and high school

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Don’t be the one to get left behind


Check out these resources to support you and your journey: