About the F.S.S.P. Project
If you are under 30 and NEET (not in employment, education, or training), the F.S.S.P. Project is for you.
F.S.S.P. addresses systemic barriers such as racism that prevent Black youth from completing their education to access meaningful employment.
By building positive pathways to education, employment and training opportunities, youth have a greater opportunity to successfully engage in full community citizenship.
Parents/guardians are also provided with guidance to prevent disengagement and support success.
have the lowest educational achievement of
- Lowest graduation rates (65%)
- Highest absenteeism rate (19.5%)
- Highest suspension rates across all grade levels
- Highest number of students with less than 8 credits after grade 9
- Under-representation in gifted programs
How the F.S.S.P. Project Helps Black Youth
The F.S.S.P. project creates a pathway and a model of support for Black youth who have not been well-served across traditional channels. The program builds capacity by enhancing a systemic understanding of the barriers to success, enabling Black youth to better engage and navigate systems.
The project empowers Black youth through self-determination and self-responsibility, using an Africentric lens that aligns with TAIBU’s model of Black health and wellbeing.
Parents/guardians are also provided with guidance to prevent disengagement and support success.
The From School to Success Project is funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation
From School to Success
Learn how the F.S.S.P. Project can support your success.