Questions & Answers
What is the IMARA Generation Project?
The word IMARA, literally translated from Swahili means steadfast, strong, or resolute.
The IMARA Generation Project is a peer-led and peer-designed mental health project for Black youth, aged 15-24, who are facing mental health challenges.
TAIBU Community Health Centre serves Black-identifying individuals who live across the Grater Toronto Area.
What does an Africentric approach mean?
The IMARA Generation Project is designed to validate lived experiences, cultural norms, values, and interpretations commonly held by members of the Black community.
Why is an Africentric approach important for TAIBU’s clients?
Often, Black clients are frustrated by the gap in resources from other community agencies which don’t reflect Black culture or address anti-Black racism. If the approach doesn’t reflect Black culture and values, it’s less likely to achieve success.
TAIBU’s programs and services are designed to reflect the Black client experience and to meet clients where they are at for the best outcome.
What will I learn about in the IMARA Generation Project?
The group starts by building a common ground – teaching shared history, terminology, and pop-culture that is embodied in an Africentric approach. Together, with a mental health consultant, coordinators and facilitators support youth in activities and discussions to explore their own experiences and concerns in a safe space where they can collaborate and support each other to identify solutions.